Drill #1:

One person throws the ball to the another person in a diagonal manner. It is important that the worker runs to the ball and does not stop to catch it.You can also throw with your weaker hand to improve weak hand ability.
Once the pair has gotten to the other side the next pair comes up and starts doing the the drills n the same manner.It is recommended that each pair should not take rest for more than 30 seconds.If there is only one pair then that pair once finished should again circle the cone and do the drill.
The objective of the drills is to keep on running and throwing accurately. This drill helps in improving shooting power,accuracy and weak hand ability.
Drill #2:
In this drill there can be any number of players. The drill is simple there must be one thrower were the thrower throws a ball at a player standing about 2 meters away. The player catches the ball and throws at a target about 10 - 15 meters away. After the player throws the ball,the next player comes up to catch and throw.
Also the thrower can throw the ball at the player at odd angles like behind the player or above the player,so that he can learn to shoot at difficult situations.
Electric Coffee Percolator
There are actually three handball shooting drills i like which i personally encourage and having them perfected could result in great shooting accuracy and a better attacks conversion ratio.